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Complete Network Services

Being extremely dissatisfied with being an employee after many years, in 2002 I launched my first company KRB Media and shortly after, Your PC Hero, “coming to your rescue”. As you can see, the comic book influence was always a part of me even back then. Your PC Hero was dedicated to providing IT support without the usual technical gobbleygook and the rip off “villainy” that permeates IT services to this day. Like the unscrupulous mechanic that can charge the novice anything and dazzle them with car talk, IT personnel are notorious for doing the same and overselling services that were way more than anyone really needed. As I prefer sleeping well at night over making money by ripping people off, I swore that i would never do anything that wasn’t in my clients best interests, including financially. Sometimes my honesty perplexed customers who were more comfortable being snowed, believing that spending more meant more value or better quality, but I would not change. For someone who grew up reading about noble superheroes, and in many ways had my morals formed by those very same heroes, I could not behave any other way.

After years of serving the individuals and very small business operations, some of my personal clients asked me to service their medium to large sized businesses as well, having been frustrated at the inefficiency and overselling they were receiving constantly by so-called IT experts. To be blunt, there was just no trust or comfort level.

As the universe works in mysterious ways, one of my best friends, Andre Nieuwendam, was looking to move on from the corporate employee life and start a company of his own. An ancient proverb says “a wise man knows what he does not know” and since I like to imagine myself as wise as opposed to just a wise-ass, I knew I needed his skill-set to make this leap to larger enterprises. We joined forces and started Complete Network Services (CNS).

CNS aims to provide everything a company would need, IT-related, in a one stop shop. At a significantly lower cost. With the same personal touch and trust level that Your PC Hero was known for. CNS grew so successful that Your PC Hero ended up being absorbed into it.

To learn more about CNS, click the image below:

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