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Maven Films

I’ve always been a cinephile and an aspiring film and TV producer. From writing, producing and co-hosting my old TV show, The Comic Book Show, to producing, writing and directing a sitcom pilot Access Denied, with my creative partner Gia Porras,  it’s fair to say that movies and TV are a passion of mine. It was because of Access Denied that I was first introduced, through Gia, to Maven Films (Maven) founder Lou Maggio. And a long and strong friendship developed, Lou and I becoming like brothers. After years of just a friendship, as I have often done throughout my career when exposed to something I care about, I offered my services to Lou and Maven.  Lou agreed and was hoping I could inject some of my insane energy into the company and take it to the next level (one of my favorite BS phrases). The other Maven founders, Jody Simon and D.Scott Lumpkin, agreed and history was made.

To learn more about Maven, click the image below.

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